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Nick DeSimone

Nick DeSimone

Nick is a Product Marketing Manager with a 10-year track record of building best-in-class customer experiences. He’s interested in solving the problems with how companies hire and how people find work. You can find him on LinkedIn.

Reports your boss wants to see

Start small with reporting, don’t try to boil the ocean, pick a few key reports that will have the biggest impact when conveying...

Access rights & responsibilities

I don’t think anyone out there wants to spend their day managing access rights and roles in an account. Like with all things Wor...

Finding candidates for tough-to-fill jobs

Find candidates before that first official applicant comes in through your careers page...

Interview scheduling enhancements

Do all of your resume reviews right from your phone. Hiring Managers really do love it....

Security and data privacy: SSO, ISO, GDPR

Your data is secure, nobody bad is going to get their hands on it, and that it’s protected overall....

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