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Hiring Solutions & Resources

Developing & retaining my best people

Believe it or not, keeping your employees engaged and happy is essential in hiring top talent. Utilize these resources to create the best experience for your employees and you’ll be sure to see the payouts for your efforts.

How to calculate employee turnover rate

Employee turnover rate is a measure of how many employees leave a company in a given period, usually a year. It's calculated by ...


How to create a retirement benefit plan

This article helps you create a competitive retirement benefit plan for your employees. You can also make sure your retirement p...

new look job editor

The new look job editor

It’s been a busy few months for my team. Not only have we released interview kits and scorecards, but regular users will notice ...

Interview kits and scorecards

New release: Interview kits and scorecards!

If you're a regular Workable user, you might've received our recent email about the upcoming launch of Interview Kits. We certai...

15 collaboration tools for productive teams

Collaboration tools are software designed to help teams work together efficiently. They facilitate communication, project manage...

Pre-employment testing: a selection of popular tests

Pre-employment tests provide an objective measure of a candidate's qualifications, skills, and suitability for a role. They can ...

The false economy of unpaid internships

The word ‘intern’ has an ironic double meaning: to work as a trainee and to confine someone as a prisoner. Most articles about u...

Succession planning: a guide to get it right

Effective succession planning is a company’s insurance policy for sustainability. This becomes clear when critical positions bec...

company career page

Company career page content: do’s and don’ts

A great careers page is the best way to get potential job candidates to consider your company. However, on average, 90 percent o...

6 illegal interview questions not to ask — and legal alternatives

Most of the time when illegal questions crop up in an interview both the questioner and the candidate are unaware. Whether you w...

How to improve your careers page design

How to improve your careers page design

Your careers page is the best place to attract new candidates. As prospective employees look through your website, they should g...

pre-employment assessment test

Evaluate candidates with a pre-employment assessment test

A pre-employment assessment test is a standardized method used by employers to evaluate a candidate's suitability for a job role...

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