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Hiring Solutions & Resources

Maximizing candidate & employee experience

A great candidate experience reflects the candidate's journey from the moment they apply or get sourced until the end of your hiring process. Learn how to build an experience that will leave your candidates swooning over your company.

How to build a strong talent acquisition team

When companies are still in their infancy, building a talent acquisition team mightn’t be a priority. But, as they grow, the nee...

The world’s most enduring personality test is a meaningless parlor game

If you work for a large organization you’re probably already aware that yours is one of 16 distinct personality types. You may b...


How to build a blind hiring program

To build a blind hiring program, start by removing all personal and demographic information from the hiring process. This includ...


Giving interview feedback: the dos and don’ts

The dos of giving interview feedback include telling the truth, writing creatively, being tactful, praising when possible, and a...


Addressing interview red flags

Malcolm Gladwell famously wrote in his bestselling book, ‘Blink,’ that “the key to good decision making is not knowled...

How to assess soft skills in an interview

How can you tell whether a candidate who looks good ‘on paper’ will be good ‘in person’? Soft skills make all the difference. So...


How to read candidate body language in an interview

Reading body language during interviews can provide valuable insights into a candidate's personality and demeanor. However, it's...


Addressing resume red flags

Resume red flags aren’t necessarily grounds for instantly disqualifying candidates. However, they may give you more insight into...

Mistake that put off job candidates

9 common interviewer mistakes that put off candidates

Interviewers can get away with mistakes more easily than interviewees. Candidates are supposed to stress about how to create a p...

Background check red flags

Background checks are crucial in the hiring process as they help employers verify a candidate's information and identify potenti...

new look job editor

The new look job editor

It’s been a busy few months for my team. Not only have we released interview kits and scorecards, but regular users will notice ...

Interview kits and scorecards

New release: Interview kits and scorecards!

If you're a regular Workable user, you might've received our recent email about the upcoming launch of Interview Kits. We certai...

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