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‘No white men’ policy: what you can & can’t do in diversity hiring

Explore the intricacies of diversity hiring, where good intentions can sometimes blur lines and explicit policy can run into leg...

affirmative action in hiring

Affirmative action in hiring: challenges and solutions

The recent Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action in higher education may ripple into the business world. Big-name corporati...

DEI in Tech

DEI in tech: an opportunity for innovation, say giants

Insights from recent reports by Snap, Google, VMware, and Builtin examine DEI initiatives and emphasize the opportunity for inno...

DEI for formerly incarcerated individuals

DEI for formerly incarcerated people: reintegration & wellbeing

Society has borne witness to the benefits of upholding the values of equality to the mental health and overall wellbeing of othe...

How to recruit diverse candidates

How to recruit diverse candidates in three steps

Recruiting diverse candidates enhances creativity, broadens perspectives, and drives innovation within an organization. A divers...

VIDEO: Inclusion, growth, and the value of ‘Otherness’

Diversity in the workplace isn't just about inclusion – it is also about how important it is to have different perspectives and ...

first-generation professionals

Your DEI strategy must include first-generation professionals

Fadjanie Cadet, Inclusion Strategist and DEI Consultant, Facilitator & Trainer, talks about the importance of including firs...

diversity recruiting

How to think about diversity recruiting strategies

If you're like me, you're a leader who aspires to make diversity recruiting a core part of your organizational philosophy and hi...

diversity in leadership

Diversity in leadership: Why it matters and what you can do

Diversity in leadership is crucial as it brings a greater depth of experience and perspective, fostering innovation and better u...

diversity in the workplace

Diversity in the workplace: why it matters and how to increase inclusion

Diversity in the workplace refers to the coexistence of individuals with varying characteristics, skills, and traits. It's cruci...

international women's day covid-19 and gender equality

COVID-19 and gender equality: The conversation needs to keep going

DEI consultant Chikere Igbokwe says the pandemic's impact on women is far-reaching – but the pandemic itself is not solely to bl...

Gender and COVID - Stats on women at work in 2021

Gender and COVID-19: 7 stats on women at work in 2021

The COVID-19 crisis has hugely impacted our lives. Social distancing and mandatory remote work have forced employees to shift ab...

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