What do workers want in a job? We asked 1,250 people – and they responded. SEE OUR NEW REPORT

qualified candidates per hire

Qualified candidates per hire: By location and business function

How many qualified candidates do you need exactly in order to make an informed hiring decision? Each company may have a differen...

How organizations can help shape the future of AI in recruiting – and reap the benefits

Excited about a world where AI in recruiting will immensely improve your hiring process? We live in a fascinating time because t...

The cost of replacing an employee – it’s more than you think

The cost of replacing an employee – it’s more than you think

The cost of replacing an employee can be substantial, often amounting to 6-9 months of the employee's salary. This includes recr...

ai in recruitment

AI in recruitment: What the future holds for businesses and recruiters

Imagine you have an assistant – let’s call him Joe – who schedules interviews flawlessly, screens resumes without a hint of bias...

NGOs and NPOs: Investing in an ATS will help you deliver your mission

As a nonprofit organization, you are mission-driven; you care more about tirelessly delivering your mission than anything else. ...

key hiring metrics

Key hiring metrics: Useful benchmarks for tech roles

Key hiring metrics for the tech industry include time to fill, qualified candidates per hire, and interviews per hire. These met...

gamification in recruiting

Gamification in recruiting: How and why to give it a shot

{first 10-digit prime found in consecutive digits e}.com This, Google’s famous billboard mathematical riddle, is a sensational e...

AI in recruitment

Don’t blame AI for gender bias – blame the data

In early October 2018, Reuters reported that Amazon - which emphasizes automation as a major part of its brand - had scrapped it...

ATS HR software

Benefits of specialized recruitment software vs HRIS

“Why buy software that is recruitment-focused, when we could spend our money on software that tackles every HR task in our organ...


Terrible reasons for choosing an ATS

There are many reasons you might find yourself looking for a new ATS. Speed, efficiency, usability… but how did you end up with ...

data-driven recruiting

Data-driven recruiting 101: How to improve your hiring process

Traditional recruiting used to rely on luck and intuition more than data, which was time-consuming to amass and analyze. Recruit...

What is the average time to hire by industry?

Time to hire is the number of days between when a job requisition is approved and the day an offer is accepted by the candidate....

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