What do workers want in a job? We asked 1,250 people – and they responded. SEE OUR NEW REPORT

Is there meaningful progress in DEI right now? Depends on who you ask

This is the third in a series of excerpts from our survey report titled All roads lead to diversity, equity & inclusion in t...

New overtime law: How it works and what changes for employers

The United States’ new overtime law – introduced in 2019 and set to take effect in January 2020 – is being met with tepid a...

Do you classify employees correctly? California’s law got stricter

AB5 is a new independent contractor law in California – signed by Governor Gavin Newsom in September, 2019 – which sets rules on...


AB25: How CCPA affects employers and recruiters

The enactment of Assembly Bill 25, or AB25, brings good news for employers who are stressed about the California Consumer Privac...

What impact has Brexit uncertainty on recruitment

The key to standing out in recruitment during Brexit uncertainty

The UK recruitment market is particularly tough right now. With continued Brexit uncertainty, many professionals are nervous abo...

Brexit and employment: 6 things you can do today to prepare for Brexit

If you’re in the recruiting space, Brexit poses a unique conundrum. The lack of clarity around what’s coming up has led to, amon...

impact of brexit on employment

Don’t forget the ‘human’ in Brexit HR implications

Friday, the 24th of June, 2016, wasn’t like the usual Fridays we’d had at work. The tech startup I worked for was successful, bu...

impact of brexit on employment

Bad news for businesses affected by Brexit uncertainty

With just months to go until the UK leaves the European Union, and no deal yet in place, many employers continue to worry about ...

Are you getting ready for GDPR?

By now, we’ve all witnessed the collective panic that is the recruiting industry’s response to the General Data Protection Regul...

New overtime law 2016: an employer’s guide

The new overtime law, effective from December 1, 2016, increased the salary threshold for overtime pay eligibility from $455 to ...

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