What do workers want in a job? We asked 1,250 people – and they responded. SEE OUR NEW REPORT

quiet quitting

Quiet quitting: if you can’t beat them, roll with them

The term ‘quiet quitting’ started popping up at the end of July, and now it’s everywhere. And no one can agree on what it means....

antiwork lessons for employers

4 lessons for employers from Reddit’s Antiwork community

You probably want to stay away from Reddit's new subreddit, /r/antiwork – also known in everyday parlance as the "anti-work move...

Not everyone in the US values the same things in a job

Of course, people are not all the same. While compensation remains first and foremost across all groups regardless of gender, mi...

Different UK workers appreciate different things in a job

While compensation reigns high and mighty across all groups regardless of gender, minority status, age, and whatnot, some groups...

Is salary important? yes it is

Is salary important to workers? Bet your bottom dollar it is

Salary is crucial to workers, with a majority open to new opportunities primarily to earn more. While factors like fresh challen...

Is salary important in the UK? Yes it quite is

How valued is salary in the UK? Quite a bit, actually

At the very core of the traditional worker-employer relationship is compensation. And unsurprisingly, our survey results from ou...

workforce trends to watch for

3 workforce trends to prepare for in the last quarter of 2021

The last quarter of 2021 saw three major workforce trends: the "Great Resignation" with employees leaving jobs in large numbers,...

Challenges of remote hiring: Tech isn’t the problem

This is the fourth in a series of excerpts from our New World of Work survey report which was published in August 2020. More tha...

4 benefits of remote working for employers

The work-abroad dream: 4 benefits of remote working for employers

Whether you’re a multinational organization or have an office in an unsexy location, the opportunity for international remote wo...

Working remotely: Are you a remote-curious employer?

Recent technological advances have made it easier than ever to decouple offices from jobs. They have also re...

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