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Medical Assistant interview questions and answers

This Medical Assistant interview profile brings together a snapshot of what to look for in candidates with a balanced sample of suitable interview questions.

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Medical Assistant Interview Questions

Medical Assistants are in high demand. You’ll have a lot of applicants for this role, and they’ll typically have accredited medical assistant training. It is possible to work as a medical assistant without certification, but some employers will require certification for tasks such as drawing blood. Previous hands-on medical assistant experience is highly desirable for this role.

These candidates are frequently hired for primary health care centers. In rural or inner-city clinics, medical assistants often practice medicine under the supervision of a physician. Their role is to assist the physician in all day-to-day activities. These include scheduling appointments, communicating with pharmacists, overseeing medical supplies, and directly serving patients and their families.

The candidate you hire must be organized, efficient, detail-oriented and empathetic. Use the following interview questions to distinguish practical experience from theoretical experience. In addition to actual experience as a medical assistant, top candidates will have researched your facility and will talk about why they are the most equipped to serve patients in your community.

Operational and Situational questions

  • Describe the medical training you have and how it relates to this position.
  • What work experience outside medicine do you have that might help you do well at this position?
  • How would you document my medical history?
  • What kinds of medical procedures have you assisted with?
  • How do you assist physicians in overseeing medical equipment and supplies?
  • A pharmacist calls to request a medication refill for a patient. What information should you ask for?
  • Describe your experience with phlebotomy.
  • Have you ever performed ECG?
  • How do you set up an IV fluid line?
  • How have you protect the rights and confidentiality of patients?
  • Describe a time you resolved a conflict with a difficult patient.
  • What would you do if you didn’t know how to answer a patient’s question?
  • How much do you know about our facility and the community we serve?


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