What do workers want in a job? We asked 1,250 people – and they responded. SEE OUR NEW REPORT

Step into the future with Josh Bersin

Josh Bersin guides us through data-based insights on how to adapt our organizations for success and step into the future.

In the past year, we’ve experienced major change like never before. At home. At work. While some organizations are struggling with attracting and retaining talent in this new world of work, others are thriving. Why?

In this session, Josh will reveal his top 12 predictions for the future. If optimizing your culture, benefits, DEI, employer brand, candidate experience, or hiring technologies are on your priority list for 2021, this session is for you.

In just 60 minutes, Josh will give you a leg up on tackling 2021 and beyond.

Streamline your hiring

Workable is an all-in-one recruiting solution that will help you organize all hiring aspects and attract the best candidates, where they are.

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Post jobs, get candidates and onboard employees all in one place.

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