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Hiring Solutions & Resources

Employee experience

Believe it or not, keeping your employees engaged and happy is essential in hiring top talent. Utilize these resources to create the best experience for your employees and you’ll be sure to see the payouts for your efforts.

four-day workweek

Implementing an alternating four-day workweek: how & why

When the pandemic hit, we at Service Direct, like countless other businesses around the world, quickly found ourselves trying to...

what is onboarding

What is employee onboarding and how to get it right

Onboarding is the process of integrating new hires into the workplace, helping them understand their work environment, company c...

Starved for talent? Support the freelance lifestyle at your work

In today’s labor crisis, SMB employers should take a lesson from the rapidly growing number of freelancers. You can attract qual...

INFOGRAPHIC: Mental Health across the ages

Mental health isn’t just a hot topic now – it has always been an issue. Our survey found that nine out of 10 respondents have ex...

workplace culture

9 types of workplace culture: evolve your company mindset

After three years (and a few post-pandemic months) of pouring through health, behavioral science and business research, analysts...

proactive management

Get ahead of the problem: establish a proactive management strategy

Consider this situation: It’s the end of a long day, you’re tired, you’re hungry, and you want to get home. Your gas gauge is ho...

Ask the Evil HR Lady

Ask the Evil HR Lady: Workplace tensions after Roe v. Wade overturned

This is the first of a new monthly series in which The Evil HR Lady addresses a HR question or challenging situation. This month...

Invest in your employees: It’s worth it for both you and them

In its 2019 Workplace Learning Report, LinkedIn discovered that 94% of employees would stay longer at their current employer if ...

Call it what it is: ‘Fawning’ – and have the courage to intervene

Here, Dr. Robyne Hanley-Defoe discusses the fourth of the four stress responses – fawning – and talks about ways in which you ca...

toxic culture in SMBs

Toxic culture in SMBs: 6 ways to address it

The HR community is abuzz with recent research from MIT Sloan Management Review. According to this research, which performed a m...

workplace community US

Workplace community is more important than most in US

Face it – we spend significant chunks of our waking hours at work, whether it’s virtual or “real life” presence in the working e...

workplace community UK

Workplace community is tops in the minds of UK workers

Since we spend significant chunks of our waking hours at work, it make sense that friendships, partnerships and teamsmanship sho...

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